A long-awaited Code of Practice for materials recycling facilities has been launched for consultation today (February 1) by resource minister Lord de Mauley alongside a Quality Action Plan.
The draft code of practice will require all materials recycling facilities (MRFs) over a certain size to measure the quality of their inputs and outputs. The results from these tests would then be made available, for example to businesses buying the recycling material as well as to local councils and others who supply material to the MRFs.
However, the code stops short of setting any minimum quality standards.
The mandatory code, which would apply in both England and Wales, is based on an initiative developed by the Environmental Services Association (ESA), the trade association for the waste management sector in the UK.
While measures outlined in the MRF code and quality action plan are expected to cost businesses approximately £13 million to implement, the government anticipates that they will generate a net saving of £31 million through higher material revenue and reduced landfill costs, alongside avoided greenhouse gas emissions.