Health and Safety is an all encompassing part of business life and failing to manage Health & Safety in your organisation could prove costly, for both you and your staff.At AC Environmental we’re not into scare stories; managing health & safety should not be overly onerous and we’re here to help. We can provide a scalable Health & Safety Service from basic provision of documentation to a full H&S Advisor role to meet your particular needs. 1. Health & Safety Policy and Arrangements.“Entry” level service providing Health & Safety Managment Manual and arrangements, specific policies and proforma. 2. Health & Safety Package.Including above plus review of business activities and current site safety arrangements to advise where additional specific assessments, policies and training are required. 3. Health & Safety AdvisorIncluding above plus unlimited access to H&S advisor by fax, phone or e-mail. Includes provision of competent person as required by legislation. monthly H&S bulletins and updates on legislation. 4. Site Specific ServicesIn addition to our standard services we can also provide bespoke service packages to suit your particular requirements.
Please call us to discuss your needs. |