Are the Environment Agency requiring you to produce a Fire Prevention Plan?
A Fire Prevention Plan (FPP) is a document required and enforced by the Environment Agency as a condition of an Environmental Permit. Larger, high risk sites, and sites applying for new or varied environmental permits are being tasked with producing plans designed to minimise the risk of fire and to mitigate the effects of any fire. Good news for all you would think, but the implementation of this has been problematic with a number of revisions to guidance and how the plans are assessed by the Agency.
Fire Prevention Plans can be difficult to agree, lengthy and time consuming. What is perhaps more important is that for many operators, a Fire Prevention Plan may mean significant changes to their site operation and even infrastructure. One of our clients was faced with a bill of over £200,000 for changes to site infrastructure until we got involved and negotiated an alternative solution with the Agency.
If you’re being asked to provide a Fire Prevention Plan, you may want to take some advice or consider letting us help you. We’ve a good track record of success in negotiating sensible plans with the Agency, give us a call on 01782 308444 and let us help you through this difficult process.